Thursday, January 24, 2008

MS Word Survey

In the upper left column of this blog is a survey about which version of MS Word Job Loungers use. I would very much appreciate if everyone would participate in the survey. (Just click one of the two options and you're done!) The survey will be up for only a week longer.

Here's the reason for the survey: I'm updating the E-Resume Guide on my website. If I see that a large percentage of users are working in MS Word 2007, then I will include instructions for that version.

Thanks very much!

Survey results:
The poll closed on February 4th with the following results:
Participants: 32
MS Word 2007 users: 15 (46%)
Pre-MS Word 2007 users: 18 (56%)

Looks like I need to include MS Word 2007 instructions in my E-Resume Guide update. Thank you, everyone. I'll get working on that!

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