Thursday, September 02, 2010

The 12-Word Cover Letter That Grabs a Recruiter's Attention

Do recruiters read every word of your cover email or hardcopy letter? Not unless you rope them in with a few must-read words at the beginning. Continue reading...


Cover letter format said...

I agree with your view of grabbing the attention of the cover letter reader in the first paragraph itself, very useful.

Patricia Frame said...

Great ideas. Far too many applicants still send very general 'I am very interested in your posted job XYX....' These hurt more than help. A good cover letter, tailored to the organization and opportunity, is a smart way to make yourself the person the recruiter actually contacts.

Anonymous said...

The worst mistake to make with me as the employer is how most applicants tell me why the job is good for them. I want to know why they are good for my company!

Jane@ cover letter etiquette said...

I think there are a lot of options to have proper ideas of cover letter and among those your 12 points are really commendable. I would love to share it to my other friends who are desired to join better place.