Thursday, October 16, 2008

Trouble Holding Down a Job

I was recently terminated from my job of 11 months as a probationary Sanitation Worker due to tardiness and poor attendance. The reason for some of my late days: I had to take care of my mom who suffers from dementia. Overall, I was good worker with a little attendance problem.

Also, in 2002 I was terminated from my job of two years as a probationary Correction Officer due to two write-ups I received. At this point I have no clue as to what to do. I always wanted to be a Correction Officer but twice that hasn't worked out. Now I am afraid no one will hire me because I have such an unstable work history. Please give me some advice.

Your situation is one that you can turn around if you can get and hold down your next job for at least one year. It doesn't matter what that job is; the important thing is to demonstrate to a potential employer that your life has stabilized and you are now a reliable worker who will work a full eight-hour day with regularity and punctuality.

To find that new job, you might do well to go through a job placement agency. See if there's a nonprofit or government-run one in your area. Because you might benefit from some in-person guidance, look for one that you can physically go to, rather than simply a website that offers job openings. These agencies go by various names throughout the country, so you'll have to do a Google search for one in your neck of the woods. Use keywords such as:
your zip code or your city and state +

employment agency
employment department
employment development department
workforce assistance
job placement
job placement agency
job help agency
one-stop center
private industry council
vocational services
vocational agency

Also, look in the good old Yellow Pages under "career" or "employment."

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