Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bullet Point Problem in MS Word 2007

Recently I created a resume sample using MS Word 2007. In addition to using the typical round bullet point to introduce a statement, I experimented with the some of the alternative symbols from the automated indent function (found in the toolbar>Home>bullet pull-down menu), such as the arrow, diamond, check mark, and the solid square. Each symbol looked as it should on my screen in Print Preview, however, when I printed the document, here's how they came out:

- The typical bullet point looked like a fancy ampersand
- The arrow looked like the face of a clock
- The diamond looked like a floral print
- The check mark looked like a desktop mounted video camera
- The solid square bullet point looked like the numeral 3 inside a circle

It seems to be a problem in Word 2007 because when I convert the document to Word 97-2003, the symbols print perfectly. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there someone in The Job Lounge who would like to explore this with me to find a solution? If so, please email me (joblounge@aol.com) or leave a Comment after this post.

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